Saturday, November 5, 2011

Guru of Quality Management - ARMAND FEIGENBAUM

ARMAND FEIGENBAUM:  Total Quality Originator
Armand Vallin Feigenbaum was born in the United States in 1922.  He is a graduate of Union college and from 1958-1968, he was directly in charge of the production and quality control at General Electric Company.  He received a doctorate and a master of science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He also founded and was president of the American Society of Quality Control and  General System Company in Massachusetts.

He authored many books on quality management, but he was rather known for his concept of total quality control.  His ideas on the topic were detailed in his book Total Quality Control which was first published in 1951.  Because of the popularity of his ideas his book had been translated into many languages.
Feigenbaum, a recognized innovator in the area of quality cost management, was first to “characterize quality costs as the costs of prevention, and appraisal, and internal and external failure.”
“Feigenbaum's diverse achievements and many awards testify to his profound influence on management strategy in the competition for world markets, and to the timeless good sense of total quality control.”


1.  Total Quality Control (Volume 1 of 2).
“Total quality control is a system for integrating the quality development, maintenance, and improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to produce marketing, engineering, production, and service at the most economical levels for full customer satisfaction. This is a complete handbook on the subject by the originator of total quality control. The first edition of this book was published in 1951 and this is the 40th third edition complete with a new 16 page addition on: The Total Quality Imperative, 12 Benchmarks for Quality Control in the 90's and 4 management principles for total quality.
Total Quality Control integrates an organization's quality development with existing business practices to produce quantifiable customer satisfaction. The heavily-revised Fourth Edition introduces new TQM methodologies and shows how to achieve productivity, market penetration, and thrive in a global economy.”


“Total quality control is an effective system for integrating the quality development, quality maintenance, and quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization so as to enable production and service at the most economical levels which allow full customer satisfaction.”
The elements of total quality to enable a totally customer focus (internal and external)
1.      Quality is the customers perception of what quality is, not what a company thinks it is.
2.      Quality and cost are the same not different.
3.      Quality is an individual and team commitment.
4.      Quality and innovation are interrelated and mutually beneficial.
5.      Managing Quality is managing the business.
6.      Quality is a principal.
7.      Quality is not a temporary or quick fix but a continuous process of improvement.
8.      Productivity gained by cost effective demonstrably beneficial Quality investment.
9.      Implement Quality by encompassing suppliers and customers in the system.


Rose, K.  (2005).  Project quality management:  Why, what, and how. USA:  J. Ross Publishing, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Dev Patel showed his great acting skills on SlumDog Millionaire, i would love to see more of his movies” AMREP South Korea


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